Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Duke University's use of iPods

Not being afraid of technology is quite intriguing to me. So many times it is so easy to continue to do things the way that they have "always been done" in fear of failure.

Duke University has enhanced their teaching in the classroom with the use of iPods. Many students already are familiar with the use of iPods and laptops, and this just makes things more interesting to actually use an iPod in class.

Duke University has a quite interesting way of bringing technology into the hands of their students. In 2004, every new student received an iPod at the beginning of the year. It later moved into all undergraduate students enrolled in the university receiving iPods. This was a free service to the students, and when I read about this, I thought, "hmm, how cool would it be if South Alabama did that!" It wouldn't even necessarily have to be free, it could be included in the students' tuition package. It would be so beneficial especially if iTunes U is coming available to our campus very soon. It would make things much easier if the school provided them for the students rather than depending on the student to find the means of getting one themselves. And if the school provided them they would all meet the criteria, etc.

When I read about the different ways that things can be taught in a classroom, it just gets my mind a rollin' about how flexible and how much of a variety could actually change the whole course of a student's education!!!

1 comment:

  1. When Apple adds a video camera to the iPod Touch I will probably make them a requirement for this course.
