I absolutely love this website. While I was reading through this post I made note to put this in my favorites tab on my laptop and follow it on my professional blog. This will come in handy when I have a classroom of my own.
I enjoyed reading different post from different educators and technology "literate" people. One of my favorites was Mr. Chamberlain's post about controlling and commenting on blogs. It is so true that your blog should always be fresh and updated because that will attract readers to come back. I have several blogs that I follow and sometimes they don't regularly post to them, and it is quite annoying, especially when I am looking for something new on their page! This post was really helpful.
I could really tell that this blog kept up with other "new" updates because there was always something new. The post that the teacher sent out for help for a new website and teachers from all over the world that she had never even spoken to responded to help her out. This was so cool to me because as a teacher trying to be technology literate, sometimes the teacher next door will not have the answer. This was a neat idea that I know will come in handy.
Not only was their ideas but there is loads of information about the latest teacher news (i.e. pencils being banned), that can always intrigue a thought.
Like I said, I really enjoy this blog, and I will continue to follow it, and I will make this useful in my classroom - to learn from it, and hopefully to contribute to it one day!