Thursday, December 3, 2009


Twitter Network
Over the course of this semester, I have developed a much greater network than I ever anticipated. For starters, I developed a blog which I have never done before. I received interaction from people all over the world, that I have never even met before. I also began to interact with teachers all across the world in our Comments 4 Kids project. That was so so amazing to me. I really enjoyed it when the teachers responded back to me about the excitement from their students.

I do have a Twitter, and I have not used it too much, but I must say that it has been a much greater experience than I thought it would be. Twitter is a huge network, filled with lots of great information. I want to continue to keep in touch with the "At the Teacher's Desk" blog, and I really want to watch the updated "Did You Know's" as they come out.

I enjoyed interacting with Kaia's father and Kaia herself. What a wonderful way to communicate, and what a phenomenal job he is doing with his daughter.

I want to continue to develop my personal learning network. I want to continue to use my Professional Blog as I broaden my network horizon. The things I have learned in this class are very interesting, and I believe will help me in my teaching profession.

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